@article{oai:uec.repo.nii.ac.jp:00009500, author = {中井, 日佐司 and NAKAI, Hisashi}, issue = {1}, journal = {電気通信大学紀要}, month = {Feb}, note = {For the data of scaled capture-zone distribution (CZD) in the results of kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) simulations of a point island model of irreversible nucleation and growth in four dimensions [Feng Shi, Yunsic Shim and Jacques G. Amar, Phys. Rev. E, 74,021606 (2006)], the scaling form B(s/sav) = V0F(s/ (S0sav)) + Vb was found, where B is the scaled CZD, s is the size of the island, sav is the average size and F is universal function independent of the ratio of the monomer diffusion rate to the monomer creation rate R, while the bias Vb is depend of R like scaling factors V0 and S0 of B and s/sav respectively. As R to infinity, the asymptotic behavior of V0 diverges as R1/3 in contrast to the convergence of S0 to1.5.}, pages = {47--53}, title = {4次元点状島初期成長における捕獲領域分布のスケーリング解}, volume = {32}, year = {2020}, yomi = {ナカイ, ヒサシ} }