@article{oai:uec.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006929, author = {弓場, 敏嗣 and Yuba, Toshitugu}, issue = {1-2}, journal = {電気通信大学紀要}, month = {Dec}, note = {Long-life software available during a long range period is required in high-performance computing applications. There appear two remarkable tendencies in the field; increase of software development cost and decrease of hardware development cycle. Rapid cycle of hardware development forces to make long-life software indispensable. As a result, automatic performance tuning (auto-tuning, in short) is in the spotlight, which leads to keep numerical software long-life by automatically adjusting its performance to various computing environments. Performance tuning in high-performance computing generally needs professional knowledge on target applications, libraries and computing systems to obtain the maximum performance. Here, performance means speed, accuracy and stabilization of computation. Auto-tuning makes it possible to automatically tune performance to multiple computing systems.

In this paper, auto-tuning technology for numerical software is overviewed. First, auto-tuning is formalized as “optimized mapping” from source programs to object programs, which can be executed efficiently on a target computing system. Secondly, a framework of optimized mapping is introduced and the auto-tuning mechanism for numerical software is described. Then, the effectiveness of auto-tuning is shown by using experimental results based on a practically implemented numerical library with an auto-tuning mechanism. Finally, related work and future problems are remarked.}, pages = {1--14}, title = {数値計算応用を対象とする自動性能チューニング技術}, volume = {20}, year = {2007}, yomi = {ユバ, トシツグ} }