@article{oai:uec.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006871, author = {水谷, 孝男 and Mizutani, Takao and 山口, 昭男 and Yamaguchi, Akio and 中里, 正喜 and Nakazato, Masaki and 梶川, 竜義 and Kajikawa, Tatsuyoshi and 奥, 浩昭 and Oku, Hiroaki and 樽井, 武 and Tarui, Takeshi}, issue = {1}, journal = {電気通信大学紀要}, month = {Feb}, note = {Institutions of higher education and research are required to produce students who will internationally be contributing in academic and other fields: to read and write articles, give oral presentations and discuss relevant issues, in English. To realize the goal, the institutions need, on the one hand, comprehensive English programs for undergraduate and graduate students, and the other, the environment in which students study English independently. UEC TOKYO has started such programs, and the Committee for Language Self-Study Room has been, in cooperation with and with the help of other offices, making classrooms equipped with computers and other instruments needed for language education and students’ self-study. This report focuses on activities of the committee in the academic year 2009: (1) the move of the Language Self-Study Room (2) reconfiguration of the server and client system, (3) computer network (4) installation of computers operated by Information Technology Center (5) improvement of the media environment such as the video-recording of presentations}, pages = {83--88}, title = {言語教育のための計算機・教室環境の構築─2009年度の活動報告─}, volume = {23}, year = {2011}, yomi = {ミズタニ, タカオ and ヤマグチ, アキオ and ナカザト, マサキ and カジカワ, タツヨシ and オク, ヒロアキ and タルイ, タケシ} }