@article{oai:uec.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000125, author = {児玉, 幸子 and Kodama, Sachiko and 山本, 雄也 and Yamamoto, Yuuya}, issue = {1}, journal = {電気通信大学紀要}, month = {Feb}, note = {This article reports the results of an analysis of a visitor questionnaire (2153 respondents) for the “Sachiko Kodama: Ferrofluid Sculpture and Design of New Media Art” exhibition held at the Chofu City Cultural Center Tadukuri in 2016. By analyzing the media that attracted visitors to the exhibition, specific genres in the field of art that the visitors were interested in, and texts in the free writing section, we examined the multifaceted nature of the artworks in the exhibition.}, pages = {42--49}, title = {調布市文化会館たづくりで開催されたメディアアート展における来場者アンケートの分析と考察}, volume = {36}, year = {2024}, yomi = {コダマ, サチコ and ヤマモト, ユウヤ} }