@article{oai:uec.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010359, author = {栗田, 岳 and KURITA, Gaku and 菅原, 祐依 and SUGAHARA, Yuui}, issue = {1}, journal = {電気通信大学紀要}, month = {Feb}, note = {The aim of this paper is delve into the meaning of article HA used after a predicate. In particular we will argue sentence-final article HA used by woman and conjunctive article TE-HA. Then we will clarify that these articles represent[absence][undesirability]and[surpassing]. There is a homogeneity among the three meanings. It is thought that the speakaer of HA used after a predicate doesn’t accept the existennce of things.}, pages = {67--73}, title = {「述語+ハ」をめぐって}, volume = {35}, year = {2023}, yomi = {クリタ, ガク and スガハラ, ユウイ} }