@article{oai:uec.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010135, author = {TAKEISHI, Norifumi}, issue = {1}, journal = {電気通信大学紀要}, month = {Feb}, note = {This paper is a consideration of the relations among elites in modern Thailand, conducted through examining the aspects of the hiring and training of bureaucrats and military officers. Bureaucrats were frequently hired via connections, with the examinations conducted at one point failing to take hold. In contrast, the Army established a system of schooling for training early on. This enabled military officers to feel a sense of superiority and self-confidence in relation to other groups, and heightened their group cohesion. This sense of superiority and high cohesion are thought to have been factors in the formation of the structure placing military officers in superior positions.}, pages = {63--70}, title = {Agents of Bureaucratic Polity in Modern Thailand : Focusing on the Training of Bureaucrats and Military Officers}, volume = {34}, year = {2022} }